Note, this film is, unfortunately, unavailable. I have a copy of it, however.
To learn about this film, go to The Internet Movie Database, Ltd.
Opinions about this movie? Write to me.
NEW!!! - For an exclusive interview with the Writer/Director of 'Belinda', conducted by the webmaster of this site, CLICK HERE!
this scene on video! MPEG size of file is 349 KB.
<<For Video Click Here
- Size 995 KB (Big)
<<For Video Click Here
- Size is 1.43 MegaBytes (Big)
MPEG VIDEO Click Here (458 KBytes)
To see the above scene on video, click here. Download size is 397KB.
I've added sound here because in these scenes, she speaks. Most Browsers will be able to handle the MPEG file. The AVI file can be viewed with QuickTime, which can be downloaded if you click here.
For the MPEG file (no sound and 1.33MegaBytes) click this sentence.
For the AVI file (with sound and 1.56MegaBytes) click this sentence.