John is in the Navy (as of 10/2000) where he's come across at least one more adult thumbsucker, a woman who doesn't have any concerns about doing it publicly. John, though, keeps it to himself, when he doesn't get caught. See his articles in the Opinions Section and Embarrassing Moments Section.
Note the small callous. Hey, it's part of the territory!
John - Virginia Male age 23 TSer all my life Left thumb. Straight, never with braces Red marks my thumb in bed, as I go to sleep. While watching TV. While I read. while I drive. only when alone. I spend 4-7 hours tsing each day. Parents didnt care. its erotic. it feels good. Yes, place over nose. I go back and forth between having a mustache and not, and When I do, I like to rub my finger against it I wasnt breast fed. I used a pacifier. I am a smoker. Addiction Descriptions indetail if you really want to know, email me. I have known other adult thumb suckers. previous girlfriend she was very open about it College Education I am just right in weight. White Race Siblings and order of birth ly child I am heterosexual. I am single, never been married. hid it from many, until I dated a fellow TSer, my last girlfriend No, thumb sucking doesnt make it difficult to have a relationship. The Search Engine I used was dont remember. I heard about this site from another place the Internet.