Raymond, age 38, has sucked his right thumb all his life. He never needed braces and there's no affect on his thumb. He indulges to sleep, while watching TV and with his family. His parents understood. For him it feels good, imparting a sense of security. "I like to rub my moustache with my index finger, although this is more habit than something I aim to do" He wasn't breast fed and never smoked.

Tracey, age 23, from Florida, has sucked her right thumb all her life. She never needed braces and there’s been no affect on her thumb. She indulges to sleep and while watching TV. Her parents scolded and used bitter solution. She does it to because it feels good. She places a finger over her nose. “I have a habit of picking fuzz from a blanket while I suck my thumb.” She wasn’t breast fed, didn’t use a pacifier, is a former smoker, has never known ATSers, is high school educated, overweight, white and born 1st of 2 children.

Karen, age 21, from Texas, has sucked her left thumb from birth till 8 and then continued again about age 14. Her teeth never needed braces but her thumb has a callus. She indulges to sleep, while working or studying, watching TV, reading and only when alone. Her parents scolded and used bitter solution. She does it because it feels good and imparts a feeling of security. She didn’t use a pacifier, is a smoker, never knew of other ATSers, is college educated, overweight, white, and born 3rd of 3 children.

“I sucked my thumb when I was little. I quit when I was about 8, but when I got to high school, about age 14, I couldn’t take the stress and started sucking again.”

"I have a blanket. My mother took away my baby blanket that I sued when I was 8, but I adopted another blanket to use as my security blanket. I cannot sleep without it.

“In my freshman year in college, during my first sorority, we had a retreat thing and I fell asleep early. I tried very hard not to suck my thumb, but sometimes it just migrates to my mouth in my sleep. Some of the other girls found me with my thumb in my mouth and thoroughly ridiculed me. It eventually led to me dropping out because they all thought I was a baby.”

C, age 22, from New York, has sucked her fingers all her life. Her teeth never needed braces and there’s been no affect on her fingers. She indulges to sleep, while working or studying, watching TV, reading and only when alone. Her parents scolded and teased her. To her, it’s a habit that feels good and offers a sense of security. She does place a finger over her nose and “strokes her ears.” She was breast fed, never smoked, never knew other ATSers, has an advanced degree past college, is just right in weight, white and born 3rd of 3 children.

Anonymous female, age 23, from California, has sucked her left thumb all her life. Her teeth never needed braces but her thumbnail is worn looking or has marks on it. She indulges to sleep, while watching TV and with her family. Her parents teased her but really didn’t care that much. To her, it’s a habit that feels good. She doesn’t place a finger over her nose. She wasn’t breast fed, has known other ATSers, is overweight, white and born 2nd of 3 children.

“A friend and I were watching TV in the 7th grade and I looked over and she was sucking her thumb. I said, ‘hey, me too!’” [I guess they both continued this into adulthood, since this vignette was given to explain the conditions of discovering an ATSer. editor]

KC, age 22, from Utah, has sucked her thumb and other fingers her whole life. She needed braces and has a callus and red marks on her thumb. She indulges to sleep, while watching TV, reading and only when alone. Her parents scolded, teased and used bitter solution. She does it because it’s a habit that feels good and gives her a sense of security. She doesn’t place a finger over her nose and, “yes, I have an old shirt of my father’s. It is soft and is so old, it is starting to fall apart.” She was breast fed, used a pacifier, never smoked, never knew other ATSers, is college educated, overweight, white and born 1st of 4 children.

“I was down stairs and a friend of my sister’s came down and caught me. She totally saw me and just pretended she didn’t see. I was totally embarrassed.

“I used to suck the thumb of my right hand. I switched to the pinkie of my left hand after my mother repeatedly applied a bitter tasting nail polish to my thumb nail to stop the thumb sucking.

“I also find that the callus is not as obvious on my left hand.”

Kristina, age 19, from Minnesota, has sucked her right thumb all her life. Her teeth are mildly bucked but there’s been no affect on her thumb. She indulges to sleep, while watching TV and only when alone. Her parents scolded, spanked and used bitter solution. For her, it’s just a habit she can’t quit. She doesn’t place a finger over her nose but, instead, “twirl my hair”. She wasn’t breast fed, used a pacifier, never smoked, never knew other ATSers, is college educated, overweight, white, heterosexual, born 1st of 3 children and heard about this site from the show Extra.

Gail, age 42, from Missouri, has sucked her left thumb all her life. Her teeth are crooked but there’s been no affect on her thumb. She indulges to sleep and while watching TV. Her parents scolded, spanked, teased and used bitter solution. She does it because it feels good and gives her a sense of security. She places a finger over her nose. “I twist my hair and sometimes pull it out with a knot in the end of it and play with it while I have my thumb in my mouth.” She was breast fed, didn’t use a pacifier, is a smoker, hasn’t known of other ATSers, is high school educated, overweight, white and was born 2nd of 3 children.

“I had braces on at age 38 and have slowed down my thumb sucking a lot. When I see my teeth getting crooked, I put my retainer in.”

Patty, age 53, from Michigan, has sucked both her thumbs all her life. Her teeth are mildly bucked but there’s been no affect on her thumb. She indulges to sleep, while watching TV, reading and only when alone. Her parents used bitter solution but eventually understood. To her, it’s a habit that feels good. She doesn’t place a finger over her nose but will, “twist my hair with the other hand most of the time.” She never smoked, hasn’t known of other ATSers, was college educated, overweight, white and born 1st of 5 children.

“I was so happy to see the story on Extra because I really did think I was the only person that had this habit. Thank you for this site.”

Jen, age 35, from the Midwest has sucked her left thumb all her life. Her teeth never needed braces but her thumb looks different. She indulges as she works or studies, while watching TV, driving and only while alone. She places a finger over her nose. Her parents used bitter solutions. For her, it’s a habit that feels good. She is college educated, overweight, white born last of 3 children, is heterosexual and heard about this site via a search engine. She has known other adult thumb suckers.

“I almost can’t help but suck my thumb, especially around pets, dogs, cats.

“A friend of a friend I know sucks their thumb. We’ve never talked about it to each other. He’s a musician.

“I’m constantly getting nailed. I think people are too polite to say anything.”

Carole, age 39, from New York, has sucked her right thumb all her life. She needed braces and there’s a callus on her thumb. She indulges to sleep and while watching TV. Her parents were understanding. She does it for security. She places a finger over her nose, wasn’t breast fed, never smoked and has known other adult thumb suckers. She is college educated, overweight, white, heterosexual, is an only child and heard about this site from the TV show “Extra”.

“I walked in on a co- worker one time and noticed. I didn’t say anything. “I told my husband that I do it when I’m overtired.”

Chrisco, age 23, has sucked her left thumb all her life. She needed braces but there’s no affect on her thumb. She indulges to sleep. Her parents scolded and used bitter solutions. For her it’s a habit. She places a finger over her nose, was breast fed, used a pacifier, was high school educated, is just right in weight, white born 2nd of 3 children, is heterosexual and heard of this site from the TV show “Extra”.

Mercy, age 21, from Massachusetts, has sucked her right thumb all her life. She needed braces and her teeth are mildly bucked. Her thumbnail is worn or with marks. She indulges to sleep and only when alone. Her parents scolded, spanked, teased, grounded, used bitter solutions and told people to embarrass her. For her, it’s just a habit giving her a sense of security. She places a finger over her nose and uses a pillow case. She wasn’t breast fed, is college educated, overweight, white, an only child, is heterosexual and heard about this site via a search engine.

Diane, age 25, from New York, has sucked her left fingers all her life. Her teeth are crooked or mildly bucked. She indulges to sleep, while working or studying, watching TV, reading and with her family. Her parents understood and didn’t care. To her it’s a habit that gives her comfort. She was breast fed, never smoked, is college educated, very overweight, white, born first of 2 children, is heterosexual and heard about this site from someone she knows.

“Thank God I don’t have any story embarrassing enough to even remember. “The fingers I always suck are the middle and ring fingers of my left hand, together. They don’t look different, but it seems to me the skin and nails are always a little softer, less ‘worn’! In my ‘method’, my tongue protects them from my lower teeth and my mouth is sufficiently open that they’re not pressed hard against my upper teeth, so no callus-but, as I stated, I do have an overbite, which is probably a result.”

Nikki, age 27, from Wisconsin, has sucked her left thumb all her life. Her teeth are mildly bucked and she has a callus. She indulges to sleep, while reading, studying, watching TV, in front of her family and one close friend, during sex and masturbation. Her parents scolded and used bitter solutions. For her it’s a habit making her feel good and secure. She was breast fed, didn’t use a pacifier, is an ex-smoker and knows of two other adult thumb suckers. She is college educated, slightly overweight, white, bisexual, born 1st of 2 children and heard of this site from the TV show “Extra”.

“I have a blanky that I’ve torn into small ‘travel size’ pieces that I smell and rub under my nose.

“My ex-lover and my younger sister, who quit at age 16, are the two other adult thumb suckers I’ve known.

“I hope this information helps because you don’t know how happy I am to find others.”

Had wanted to be in Pen Pal listing, but her email address was changed.

Heidi, age 36, from Delaware, has sucked her right thumb all her life. Her teeth never needed braces but her thumb looks different. She indulges to sleep, while studying, watching TV, reading, driving, masturbating and only when alone. Her parents scolded and used bitter solution. To her it’s a habit that feels good and gives her a sense of security. She doesn’t place a finger over her nose. She wasn’t breast fed, didn’t use a pacifier, is a smoker, is high school educated, overweight, white, born last of 3 children, is a lesbian and heard of this site from the TV show “Extra”.

“I have always had a ‘blankie’. Until recently, it had to be that one particular blankie. Now I have several replacements, as I must carry my ‘security blankie’ everywhere, without it I feel insecure. Though I do not suck my thumb in public, I generally handle my blanket when stressed or upset, or just to feel better. Blankies are great.

"Well, it was very interesting when I had my first relationship, lasting ten years. My thumb sucking didn’t bother her. Other than that, there haven’t been any times I’ve been caught. Also, another girlfriend didn’t mind either, which blows my mind because I figure a lot of people would be mean to me if they knew my ‘habit’. But some special people are not bothered and that’s very special.

“I was very happy when I saw on TV that there were other people like me. It made me feel less ‘sick’ for my habit. I really appreciate the bravery of all the people that I’m reading about in this site who also think thumb sucking’s okay. *smile* I wish everyone could understand.”

Melanie, age 22, from Iowa, has sucked her left thumb all her life. She needed braces but there hasn’t been any affect on her thumb. She indulges to sleep and while watching TV. Her parents scolded, teased, used bitter solutions, told people, but eventually understood. For her it’s a habit that feels good and gives her a sense of security. She doesn’t place a finger over her nose but always strokes her hair. She was breast fed, never smoked, is college educated, underweight, white, born 1st of 2 children, is heterosexual and heard about this site from a search engine.

Catherine, age 17, from North Carolina, has sucked her right thumb all her life. She quit at age 10 only to start again as a teen due to anxiety. She needed braces and it hasn’t had an affect on her thumb. She indulges to sleep, while watching TV and only when alone. Her parents were understanding. She does it for reasons not listed in the survey, “when I want something, usually having to do with the opposite sex, but not for erotic reasons.” She places a finger over her nose and used “soft things” when she was younger. She was breast fed, used a pacifier, never smoked, is high school educated, just right in weight, white, born 1st of 2 children, is heterosexual and heard about this site from a search engine.

“In public, when I get anxious or depressed or in need of something, the tip of my thumb subconsciously migrates and rests in between my lips. My best friend knows this and she can always tell something is wrong.

Breanna, age 19, from Ohio, has sucked her left thumb all her life. She needed braces but there’s been no affect on her thumb. She indulges to sleep, while studying, watching TV, reading, driving but only when alone. Her parents teased her. It’s a habit that feels good and gives her a sense of security. She places a finger over her nose and uses a bunny. She was breast fed, is a smoker, is college educated, overweight, white, born 1st of 2 children, is heterosexual and heard about this site from the TV show “Extra”. “

“When I was younger, I had a bunch of toys I would suck my thumb with. Now it’s a little bunny that I’ve had for years, about 10 years. I never leave home without him. His name is Smooshie.

“[If caught], I just play it off like I am scratching my nose, no biggie, or just chewing my thumbnail.”

Pam, age 33, from California, has sucked her left thumb all her life. She needed braces and it hasn’t affected her thumb. She indulges to sleep. Her parents scolded her. She does it because if feels good. She was breast fed, didn’t use a pacifier, never smoked and has known of other adult thumb suckers through third parties. She was college educated, is just right in weight, white, born 1st of 4 children, is heterosexual and heard of this site through a search engine.

“I read about a man in an Ann Lander’s column once and heard about a neighbor’s daughter in her 30’s who still sucks her thumb.

“In college, my roommate woke me up and I was sucking my thumb. I just pretended I wasn’t aware of it and took it out and looked at her perplexed. I was mortified!

“Now that I have small children of my own, I don’t want them to find out I do this. I stopped for a couple of years once and then started up again. My husband thinks I still don’t or maybe he just doesn’t bring it up.”

J, age 18, from New York, has sucked her right thumb all her life. Her teeth are crooked and it hasn’t affected her thumb. She indulges to sleep and only when alone. Her parents understood. It’s a habit that feels good, providing a sense of security. She doesn’t place a finger over her nose but uses the soft inside of a sleeping bag. She was breast fed, never smoked, is high school educated, right in weight, white, an only child, heterosexual and heard about this site via a search engine.

D, age 47, from California, has sucked her left thumb all her life. Her teeth are mildly bucked and there’s no affect on her thumb. She indulges to sleep, while watching TV, reading and while masturbating. Her parents scolded, teased, spanked and used bitter solutions. It’s a habit that feels good, giving her a sense of security. “It quiets my mind, allows me to concentrate without stress. I probably would have been a better test taker if I could have sucked my thumb in school or during tests. She doesn’t place a finger over her nose, but uses pieces of fur, cloth or down. She is a former smoker, has an advanced degree beyond college, is overweight, white, born 1st of 2 children, is a lesbian, and heard about this site from the TV show “Extra” and from someone she knows.

“I was shamed by my parents for sucking my thumb from the earliest time I can remember. I was filmed by my parents, in order to humiliate me. My grandmother pointed out a very old woman with very disfiguring arthritis in her hands and told me that was caused by thumb sucking- of course, I believed her.

"When I as 12 or 13, my mother ‘caught’ me and asked if I thought I could find a husband who would accept seeing me suck my thumb, so as to convince me that thumb sucking was completely unacceptable. I have only let the most intimate people in my life know my horrible secret.

“Just the act of typing the above comments felt very scary and yet, somehow, a little freeing. I feel quite liberated in many aspects of my life, BUT NOT in the area of sucking my thumb."

Jenn, age 24, from Florida, started sucking her left thumb after age 3. Her teeth are mildly bucked and her thumbnail is worn or with marks on it. Her thumb looks different. She indulges to sleep, while studying, watching TV, reading, driving, with friends and with her family. Her parents used bitter solutions but eventually didn’t care. For her it’s a habit that feels good, giving her a feeling of security. It is associated with trauma. She places a finger over her nose, didn’t use a pacifier, is a smoker, hadn’t known of other ATS. She is college educated, underweight, white, born 2nd of 3 children, and heard of this site from someone she knew.

“My parents tried orthodontic appliances that stabbed my thumb, which I removed.”

Cathy, age 35, from Pennsylvania, has sucked her right thumb all her life. Her teeth are mildly bucked and she has a callus. She indulges to sleep, while watching TV, reading and with her family. Her parents were understanding. For her it’s just a habit she can’t quit. She wasn’t breast fed, didn’t use a pacifier, never smoked, is high school educated, just right in weight, white, born last of 3 children, is heterosexual and heard of this site from a search engine.

Kathy, age 47, from New Jersey, has sucked her left thumb all her life. She never needed braces and there are red marks on her thumb. She indulges to sleep, while studying, watching TV, and while reading. Her parents scolded, used bitter solutions, and told people. To her it’s a habit that feels good. She lies to rub her index or middle finger over her top lip. She wasn’t breast fed, didn’t use a pacifier, is a smoker, has known other ATS,

“Two of my children, both males, ages 29 and 23, are life long thumb suckers, one a smoker the other a non-smoker. The 23 year old, who is right handed, sucks both thumbs, anywhere, anytime. The 29 year old is right-handed and sucks his left thumb, only when alone. He is married and has a 5 year old daughter who is a thumb sucker.”

Jackson, age 24, from California, has sucked both his thumbs all his life. His teeth are mildly bucked with no affect on his thumb. He indulges to sleep, while studying, reading, watching TV, driving, masturbating and only when alone. His parents teased him and told people. He does it because it feels good. He places a finger over his nose and likes to rub his opposite hand’s forefinger on his upper lip through thin fabric, like a pillowcase. “I also like to rub my forefinger of my thumbsucking hand on my upper lip.” He was breast fed, used a pacifier, is a former smoker, is college educated, just right in weight, white, born 1st of 2, is heterosexual and heard of this site via the show “Extra”.

“My parents and sister knew for many years, but I’ve had to hide it due to constant humiliation. I suck my thumb almost all the time but fear (also get off on the thought of) getting caught. I guess I take risks with it. In 4th grade, I was ‘exposed’ by a ‘friend’. I like to do it when I drive but I try to play it off when I see someone giving me a weird look.

“I find it erotic when masturbating but have never tried it with sex. I’ve only told one girlfriend and I sort of regret it. She made fun of me all three years of going out.

“I like to rub my whole nose and even enjoy the smell of my breath when I’ve been sucking for a while."

Andrea, age 29, from Texas, has sucked her left thumb since after 3 years of age. She needed braces and there is no affect on her thumb. She indulges to sleep, while watching TV, reading, driving and only when alone. Her parents teased, used bitter solutions, but finally understood. She does it because it feels good and gives her a sense of security. It acts as a stress reliever. She wasn’t breast fed, didn’t use a pacifier, never smoked, college educated, very overweight, American Indian, born 2nd of 3, is heterosexual and heard of this site from the show “Extra”.

And an e-mail from Andrea: I can relate! Thu, 3 Jun 1999 Andrea

“Hello there. I can relate to all of the stories on here. I don't have any really embarrassing stories, but I do have to be careful if I do it at school, since I'm a teacher. That could get awkward, to say the least. I just recently revealed to my extended family that I still suck my thumb, due to the fact that my young cousin, about age 10, still does. My mother announced I did for years, and then my aunt just flat-out asked if I still do, and I said yes, when I'm tired (I do much more than that, but am not about to let them know that). It turned out not to be a big deal, although I don't do it in front of people, or try not to.

"As a child, my mother even tried breaking a popsicle stick in two, and binding it to my thumb, in order to keep me from doing it. *Grin* I just sucked the stick as well!

"My teeth are not messed up, and there is nothing that sets apart one thumb from the other, and I'd say I average several hours a day with this activity. I'm also one of the calmest people I know, so I think it is a stress reliever.

"Thanks for the site!"

Filomena, age 53, from New York, has sucked her right thumb all her life. Her teeth are mildly bucked with no affect on her thumb. She indulges anywhere, even in public. Her parents scolded, spanked, teased and used bitter solutions. She does it because it feels erotic and gives her a sense of security. She places a finger over her nose and uses a “dime sized piece of absorbent cotton, which I then stash in my bra.” She was breast fed, didn’t use a pacifier, is a former smoker, has known other ATSers, has had some college education, is overweight, white, 1st of 2 children, is heterosexual and heard about the site from the show “Extra”.

“I was young, 12-15 years old, and there was a woman, a grandmother who used to sit in her window and suck her thumb.

“I just do it whenever I feel the need (usually it is a private moment).......... People don't usually say anything (I am sure behind my back comments are made). On the occasion that someone has asked what I am doing, I tell them, sucking my thumb! That's it! Over time it just *is*..........I have not encountered any negative long term reaction to my habit.

“This whole site is amazing to me!”

Bonnie, age 33, from New York, has sucked her left thumb all her life. Her teeth are mildly bucked (“not enough that anyone notices except my dentist, who has made indirect comments.) and she didn’t say if it has affected her thumb. She indulges to sleep, while watching TV, reading, when driving (“and only when it is dark or there is no one on the road around me.”), and never with anyone else other than her husband and daughter. Her brother used bitter solutions but eventually her parents understood, trying to help her to quit. She does it because it’s a habit that feels good and gives her comfort. She rubs her eyebrows with her index finger, especially when extremely tired. “I try not to do this because over the years I have made a real mess of them and I have to do special things to take care of them now.” She is a former smoker, high school educated, just right in weight, white, born 2nd of 6, heterosexual and found out about this site through the show “Extra”.

“I was thrilled to visit [the site]. As soon as I saw “Extra” coming on, I called my daughter to come and watch it with me. As soon as it was over, I visited the site. Wonderful to know I am not the only one. How brave of that one girl to ts at work! I wish I had enough self confidence to do so. NEVER!”

“I’ve asked to be buried with my thumb in my mouth but my husband refuses. I’ve asked why not, that is how I am happiest. He did not answer. But I know it would embarrass both him and our daughter to admit I did this to other people. Even in death I’d be embarrassed for other people to know I did this. It’s a joke and is fun for me to talk to my husband about.

“When I was 8 or 9, I wanted a new bike. I had learned how to ride on my brother’s bike. My father told me if I stopped sucking my thumb I could have any bike I wanted. So I did, instead I started to suck my left pointer finger. My father, seeing the humor in my ways, promptly purchased the bike I wanted. I sucked that finger for quite awhile, as I remember. It is actually a bit permanently bent. But, eventually, I went back to my left thumb. Thanks to Dad for understanding!!! “Also, I tried to stop by putting my father’s socks over my hands. Many nights my father would lay with me till I fell asleep, but, no matter what, come the morning and I’d have my thumb in my mouth. Again, ditto, Dad!!

“I’ve tried to stop, but my thumb dries our and cracks. It hurts terribly, so I start up again. I no longer have a desire to stop.

“I do OCCASIONALLY have people comment on how ‘worn’ my thumbnail is. I always get nervous, but say it was damaged when I was a child and that it affected the quick of the nail. Oh my, what if someone learned my secret! I'm most fascinated to learn the possibility of starting an e-mail relationship with someone else who is a ts-er.

Anonymous female, age 33, from Michigan, has sucked her left thumb all her life. Her teeth are crooked and she has red marks on her thumb. She indulges to sleep, while watching TV, reading and only when alone. Her parents teased her. It’s a habit that gives her a sense of security. She places a finger over her nose. “Sometimes I have to have a crunchy, starchy sheet between my toes or twirl the sheet in between my right hand fingers. The latter happens only if I have the correct scent from the sheets.” She didn’t use a pacifier, is high school educated, just right in weight, white, born 4th of 5, is heterosexual and heard of this site from the show “Extra”.

“When I was younger, I was teased A LOT. I would even do it while playing with the neighborhood kids. They all think I stopped at age 12. Whenever I am asked what I did to my thumb, because of the rash look, I tell people that I just burnt myself again. This is a common thing in my house, so I never have to explain in detail.

“When my husband and I started living together, I had to tell him that I ‘use to’ suck my thumb and not to freak out if he sees me doing thins in my sleep, because I have woke myself up with the thumb in my mouth, never remembering starting out this way. Even though I told him some 9 years ago, I still jump when he comes to bed. I am so afraid that he will see me or ‘catch’ me doing this still. He has to have caught me by now, many times with a wet thumb, or wet lips. But, to this day, no word from him. He has gotten used to the extra pillowcase scrunched down on my side. He just thinks it is there to help me go to sleep. Once he is sound asleep, then I can lay in bed and go to work with my sheet and thumb.

“I am not an every day thumb sucker, the ‘need’ comes and goes, unlike when I was younger when it was everyday. There are days when I just can’t wait to get home so I can suck on my thumb. Is anyone else like this?

“I am just looking for the ones who do not let others know that they suck their thumbs still. I just am not as bold as the lady on that show “Extra” was. I have been trying hard to sop for years. It hits me the hardest when I am home alone and bored. So I try to keep myself busy.

“My thumb is shaped a bit different than the other, but I have no callus on it yet, thank goodness. I do, however, get the red rash look at times, when I seem to suck on it too much. I have even tried to grow my nails real long, hoping this will help me to stop. Within a week, I am chewing that nail off, so I can stick my thumb in without scratching my roof. I don’t know how other women can still suck with nails

. “After seeing that show, I am happy to find that I am not the only strange duck left who loves their thumb still.”

Erin, age 19, from Oregon, has sucked his left thumb all his life. His teeth are mildly bucked with no affect on his thumb. He indulges to sleep, while watching TV, and while masturbating. His parents scolded, used bitter solutions but eventually understood. It’s just a habit that feels good. He places a finger over his nose, was breast fed, never smoked, is college educated, overweight, white, born 2nd of an unknown number of siblings, is heterosexual and heard of this site from the show “Extra”.

April, age 30, from Oklahoma, has sucked her left thumb all her life. She needed braces and has a thumb callus. She indulges to sleep. Her parents teased and used bitter solutions. It just a habit. She wasn’t breast fed, used a pacifier, never smoked.

“My boyfriend once noticed he heard a sucking sound while I was sleeping and he wondered what it was. It was me sucking my thumb. I had to tell him and I was so embarrassed.

“I would really like to quit. I think it is a very ugly callous I have on my thumb and it seems that I have tried everything to stop. I am also tired of people asking me what happened to my thumb.”

Carmen, age 33, from California, has been sucking two fingers all her life. Her teeth never needed braces and there’s been no affect on her fingers. She indulges to sleep, while watching TV, reading and with her family. Her parents scolded and used bitter solutions. It’s a habit that feels good and gives her a sense of security. She places a finger over her nose and likes stain pillows. She wasn’t breast fed, didn’t use a pacifier, never smoked, has an advanced degree beyond college, is very overweight, white, an only child, heterosexual and heard of this site from the show “Extra”.

“Until I seen the recent show on thumb sucking, I thought I was the only strange one on the planet.

“My family teases me still about sucking my fingers. They accept the fact, but I know that they think I am strange. I am pretty open about sucking my fingers. Now I feel that I can be less timid, and more open with it around my home. My kids know that I suck my fingers. Neither of my kids suck their fingers.

"Sucking my fingers is a comfort. It kind of soothes me, and puts me in a trance. My mind is so at ease. Nothing in this world can comfort me like my fingers can. It really does soothe my soul. My mind can be so free and so creative when I am in the mode of sucking my fingers. I am so happy that other creative people like myself are also finger suckers. I was always embarrassed, until now. “Thanks!

"I also wanted to add that I too own my own business, and finger sucking helps to relieve tension. I also want to comment on the fact that I never tried to quit this habit. I’ve felt ashamed, but still never thought of giving the habit up. I would quit anything else first in my life before I would ever attempt quitting the old faithful habit of finger sucking.”

Lisa, age 23, from upstate New York, has sucked her right thumb all her life. She needed braces and there’s been no affect on her thumb. She indulges to sleep, watching TV, while driving and during sex or masturbation. Her parents scolded, teased and told people. It’s a habit that feels good. She places a finger over her nose and “I have to have the corners of any blanket in my hand and I rub it on my nose.” She wasn’t breast fed, didn’t use a pacifier, never smoked, is college educated, just right in weight, white, born 1st of 2, is heterosexual and heard of this site from the show “Extra”.

“My good friend sucks her thumb and the rest of our friends think we are crazy. “My one friend is embarrassed to be with me when I suck my thumb.

“When people who didn’t know I sucked my thumb first see me doing it, they are weirded out by it, then they just accept it and don’t say much about it.”

Anonymous female, age 19, from California, has sucked her left thumb since after 3 years of age. Her teeth never needed braces and her thumb looks different. She indulges to sleep, while watching TV, while reading and with her family. Her parents used bitter solution. She does it because it feels good. She wasn’t breast fed, did use a pacifier, is college educated, just right in weight, is oriental, born 1st of 3, is heterosexual and heard of this site from the show “Extra”.

Melissa, age 21, from New York, has sucked her left thumb all her life. She needed braces and has no affect on her thumb. She indulges to sleep and while watching TV. Her parents didn’t care. It’s a habit that feels good and gives her a sense of security. She was breast fed, used a pacifier, is a smoker, is high school educated, just right in weight, white, an only child, is heterosexual and heard of this site from the show “Extra”.

Bill, age 44, from Delaware, has sucked his right thumb all his life. His teeth are crooked and there’s no affect on his thumb. Hi indulges to sleep, while watching RV and only when alone. His parents understood. He does it because it feels good. He places a finger over his nose and uses a pillow case. He wasn’t breast fed, is a smoker and has known other ATSers, catching them “in the act”. He is college educated, is overweight, white, born 1st of 2, is homosexual and heard of this site from the show “Extra”.

“A friend caught me as an adult and I was very embarrassed.”

Lanette, age 22, from Colorado, has sucked her left thumb all her life. Her teeth are mildly bucked and her thumb looks different. She indulges to sleep, while watching TV, reading, driving and only when alone. Her parents scolded, teased, used bitter solutions but eventually understood. It a habit that feels good. She was breast fed, didn’t use a pacifier, never smoked, is college educated, just right in weight, white, born 3rd of 5, is heterosexual and heard of this site from the show “Extra”.

Beth, age 42, from Pennsylvania, has sucked her right thumb all her life. She never needed braces and there’s no affect on her thumb. She indulges to sleep, while working and studying, watching TV, reading and driving. Her parents scolded, told people, and used bitter solutions. She also indulges “when I’m lost in thought, or thinking seriously, trying to problem solve. I’m not always aware I’m doing it because I’m so involved in the thought process. People tell me I do it because I am insecure. I think that is the standard non-thumbsucker interpretation. Maybe I do it because it helps me to relax?” She was breast fed, has an advanced degree beyond college, is overweight, white, born 1st of 3, is heterosexual and heard of this site from the show “Extra”.

Anonymous, age 29, from Ottawa, Canada, has sucked her thumb her whole life (“I quit after age 2, then resumed at three”). Her teeth are mildly bucked and there’s no affect on her thumb. She indulges to sleep, while studying and watching TV. Her parents scolded, teased and used bitter solutions. She does it because it feels good, is related to trauma and gives her a sense of security. I twirl my hair [bringing it to a place] below my nose.” She was breast fed, didn’t use a pacifier, is a former smoker, is high school educated, is just right in weight, white, born 3rd of 3, is heterosexual and heard of this site from the show “Extra”.