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Olivia by clicking here.12/28/00
Olivia is an Australian living in Sydney. She is 23 and sucks her thumb almost continuously while on the computer. In fact, she does so anywhere, even publically. She has a cam site at http://oxy.gen.nz/olivia/cam.php (Note, Olivia has destroyed her old cam site, as of 1/1/00 for reasons unknown, but you can try this since it has been working lately. The shots on this page were obtained via her site.) If you go there, you will most likely see her sucking her thumb, if she's there live. Try not to write to her though. She thinks the whole thing is a lot about nothing, and, if you do write, you will find that she probably will ignore you since, to her it's a non-issue and she thinks that anyone who makes a big deal out of it has a problem that she doesn't want to be part of. But, I had interviewed her, via e-mail, the text of which is below. For photos of her, see the bottom of this section:
um, well my parents were really anti it and tried to make me stop, and i guess i did for a while, but it's my comfort and i can lie for hours doing nothing but thinking and sucking my thumb, i don't know, i just don't really care. it's nothing bad, i think i've influenced other people to do it, it's so comforting and good and nice. that's all!
Webmaster: As you've seen with your parents, the great majority of people out there don't allow this behavior to be socially acceptable.
Olivia: Well, i don't really believe that my behaviour is for someone to allow or disallow. i never did, even in childhood. it's too familiar and comforting to give it up for someone else.
Webmaster: That is why we, and I'd guess you too, hide our habit, doing it only in privacy or, at most, among our very best of friends. But I suspect that you actually aren't too secretive about it, right?
Olivia: Well no, i don't hide it. my mum still disapproves but i don't give a shit, frankly. if anyone finds it offensive or weird, i guess they just get over it cos i've never had anyone have a problem with it.
Webmaster: What fascinates me about you, in this regard, is that you are SEEMINGLY unaffected by the social rules attached to this behavior, am I wrong?
Olivia: You are not wrong. i am pretty much unaffected.
Webmaster: For instance, do you suck your thumb in public amongst strangers?
Olivia: Yes, i do. anywhere, anytime, i don't care.
Webmaster: Do you have a cam set up at least partially because you know that others would be seeing you suck your thumb and is that in some way thrilling to you, as if you enjoy, possibly, flaunting social rules, turning them upside down, if you will.
Olivia: The cam is there to feed my vanity, and for no further reason. it's not because of (even partly) sucking my thumb. i hope this is enough, really it's not that big a deal for me, there's not too much to explain, only that it doesn't bother me at all!!?